Homily Notes: 01-01-2022 - Live Godly in This World

St Edmund Campion SJ
Jesuit Priest and Martyr, 1540 - 1581
This is the earliest known portrait of Campion.

"we should live soberly and justly and godly in this world" - Titus 2

    Too many people live in a lukewarm spirit.  Maybe you don't commit mortal sins, but still willfully commit venial sins.  Many live indifferent to God, praying half-heartedly and without conviction.  You obey church laws and go through the motions to check off the boxes: Mass. Communion, confession.  It becomes routine without any real devotion in it.  Some never really put the advice from confession into practice.  Some never really listen to the message of the sermon.  Day to day, month to month, and year to year, they are not really undergoing any kind of real change.  Things stay the same.

    Yet, at the same time, they give their time and attention to worldly things. They try to live a comfortable live, without thinking about the deeper call they are called to: to live godly in this world.  Instead, most of us live like true liberals: living as though we are free to do whatever we want.

    To live godly in this world means to live differently. We have an eternal destiny and we are meant to fight for that destiny on earth.  Hell is real, it is an eternal option, and the road that leads there is wide. We are called to rise up and live a life devoted to God, focused on Him. 

    Today we are called to commit to sacrifice, to live a life of self-forgetfulness. It is a difficult road, but we don't travel it alone. Its important that we help each other to save our souls. When one person fails, we all suffer.  If one team player or business employee isn't making an effort, the whole team suffers and everyone has to work harder to make up for the failures of that one person.  Likewise, when we fail we damage not only our own souls but also the souls of others around us.  By committing to a life of sanctity, it is not only good for ourselves but also good for others. Our prayers and sacrifices save other souls. We don't live alone in this world and if we save our souls it will be with the others around us.  We are meant to lead others by our example, not lead others astray with our failures.  We must help to inspire others to be better.   Live this year for others. 

    What does it mean to live godly? The example of God is that He constantly forgives us our faults.  The birth of Our Lord was for our salvation. He died on the cross for us, He lived his life for others. God gave us everything we have. God loves us.  That is what it means to live godly: to live a life for others. This is how you will bring change to your family, to your parish, and even to the world around you.  We can help save others.  The effect is there.  Every good action has an reward both here and in eternity. 

    By committing to sanctity we can also help fight against discouragement that comes from failure. So often we want to give up, especially when those around d us are not making any effort. We see their example and also want to give up. But if we truly commit to sanctity, then others would be encouraged by our good example. We owe it to them — every fault we commit has an effect on others whether we see it or not.  Our example can have either a good or bad effect on those around us.

    Living for others requires sacrifice and giving up our own will sometimes.  Look at the lives of the saints for examples. Edmond Campion was a scholar who converted and left England to become a priest, and then he went back to England even though it was dangerous and converting people there was essentially a lost cause.   He knew that God would work through his sacrifice. Even though humanly speaking it seemed hopeless, he knew it was not.  He knew remaining in England meant his death but the sacrifice was worth it if he could save souls, even a few souls.

    Live a life of self-sacrifice, willing the good of others, with patience and sufferings.  Let this new year be a year of sanctity.  Be the hero God is calling you to be.  Don’t seek the visible consolations; keep going even when there is no consolation   Don’t love a holy life only when it is easy.  Have hope.

    Your New Years Resolution should not be just for your own benefit, but an opportunity to sacrifice for the good of others. If your resolution only benefits yourself, you will give up easily. Commit to resolutions for the sake of saving other souls: your families and even those unbeknownst to you who will be positively effected by your example and sacrifice.

    At His circumcision, our Lord received His name.  Jesus means Savior.   He was called Jesus because that was His mission: to save men from their sins, to live His life for others. Let that be your inspiration to live a life for others. Nothing else truly matters. Commit to living a life of sanctity to help and inspire others and save the souls of those around you. 


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