Homily Notes: 10-31-21 - "Art Thou a king, then?"

October 31st, 2021

The Feast of Christ the King

Read Quas Primas.  More than ever we need to hear these words.

Quas Primas:

  • Reminds bishops of the evils in the world and their cause: they have thrust Jesus Christ and His laws out of their lives. This is still manifest today.

  • Christ is meant to be king here on earth, firstly because he is God —he has a right to rule creation

  • Christ is not only king by nature, but by conquest. He conquered sin.

  • My kingdom is not of this world — He did not come to establish an earthly kingdom like all the others.

  • Enter the kingdom by faith and baptism: opposed to the kingdom of Satan. To belong to Christs kingdom is to carry the cross because it is the mode of salvation. We must imitate Christ

  • Purchased the Church with his own blood. Christ is king as priest and victim; the one who offers the sacrifice as well as the one who is offered as sacrifice. To be part of his kingdom we must offer ourselves too

  • Reverence Christ as king of kings

  • All authority comes from God

  • To make Christ king of society we must first recognize His kingship.

  • Do not neglect the public reverence of Christ as King

  • “If authority is not founded on God, it is no authority at all”

  • we are meant to respect Christ in all authority “all authority comes from above”

  • “The empire of Christ over all nations was rejected” — gradually the religion of Christ came to be likened as a false religion and put on the same level with them. In place, a natural religion was put in its place — some nations decided they can do without God altogether.  This has had deplorable consequences.

  • Duty of Catholics to help bring about the restoration of the kingship of Christ


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