Homily Notes: 10-31-21 - "Art Thou a king, then?"
October 31st, 2021 The Feast of Christ the King Read Quas Primas. More than ever we need to hear these words. Quas Primas: Reminds bishops of the evils in the world and their cause: they have thrust Jesus Christ and His laws out of their lives. This is still manifest today. Christ is meant to be king here on earth, firstly because he is God —he has a right to rule creation Christ is not only king by nature, but by conquest. He conquered sin. My kingdom is not of this world — He did not come to establish an earthly kingdom like all the others. Enter the kingdom by faith and baptism: opposed to the kingdom of Satan. To belong to Christs kingdom is to carry the cross because it is the mode of salvation. We must imitate Christ Purchased the Church with his own blood. Christ is king as priest and victim; the one who offers the sacrifice as well as the one who is offered as sacrifice. To be part of his kingdom we must offer ourselves too Reverence Christ as king of kings All autho...