Homily Notes, 12-25-19 - Silence
December 25th, 2019
The Feast of the Nativity
Noise is distracting. The devil wants noise because it distracts us.
Humans are most silent in times of war: silence in order to not give away their position, silence to spy on the enemy, silence to listen to orders.
Internal silence: not listening to ourselves. Silence your mind and thoughts and focus on the thoughts of God. The devil will use your imagination to create worries and distract you from prayer.
Why do we need silence?
-It helps us focus on God.
-God speaks to us in silence. We cannot hear God in the busy noise of the world.
-The noise of the world distracts us from our conscience. Only when we are silent does our conscience speak to us about our sins and guide us to God.
-Because God is silent. God is charity. What is the truest expression of love? Words always fall short. Love can be shown in silence. Silence is the greatest expression of love.
The saints always had their minds focused on God.
True friends an be silent in one another's company without it being awkward.
Sit in God's presence in silence, contemplate Him and find out what He wants from you.
-Humility brings silence. Humility shows us who we are before God. This is who God is; this is who I am. This is who I am compared to God. God is everything and I am a creature. So why am I always speaking? Why are my thoughts always circling around myself?
"Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart." - Mary was completely open to the things of God because she was closed to herself. Fiat.
Joseph, the man of silence and obedience. Doesn't complain. Doesn't criticize. Silent obedience to God. No recorded words spoken by Joseph.
Jesus spent 30 years in silence. He chose to spend 30 years in silent preparation. Mostly silent during the Passion; spoke only for our benefit.
We are meant to keep silence with Our Lord. After receiving the Eucharist is the best time to focus silently on Our Lord. Spend time contemplating and pondering; spend silent time alone with Him.
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