Saintly Wisdom: St. Teresa of Avila

“I’m not asking you to do anything more than look at Him.”
- St. Teresa of Avila

“O Jesus, how long is man’s life, although we say that it is short! It is short, O my God, since by it we are to gain a life without end; but it seems very long to the soul who aspires to be with You quickly...”

- St. Teresa of Avila

“Whoever makes a habit of prayer should only think of doing everything to conform his will to God’s. Be assured that in this conformity consists the highest perfection that we can attain, and those who practice it with the greatest care will be favored with God’s greatest gift and will make the quickest progress in the interior life. Do not imagine that there are other secrets. All our good consists in this.”

- St. Teresa of Avila

“Lord, You see how often I fail, but I am never astonished at it ... I enter into myself and say: Alas, I am once more at the first step as before! But I say this in great peace without sadness, because I know that You know perfectly how fragile is our nature and You are always ready to help us. What, then, shall I fear? As soon as You see me fully convinced of my nothingness, You stretch out Your hand to me; but if I should try to do something great, even under the pretext of zeal, You desert me. So all I have to do is humble myself, to bear with meekness my imperfections. Herein lies, for me, true holiness.”

- St. Teresa of Avila


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