Saintly Wisdom: St. John of the Cross

“Make me understand, O Lord, that beauty and all other gifts of creatures are but dust; that their charm and attractiveness are only smoke and wind, and that I must esteem them for what they are, so as not to fall into vanity. In all these things help me to direct my heart to You, joyfully and cheerfully, remembering that You are, and have in Yourself, all beauties and graces in a most infinite degree; You are infinitely high above all created things, for, as David says, ‘They are all like a garment which shall grow old and pass away, and You alone remain immutable forever.’”

- St. John of the Cross, Ascent of Mount Caramel

“God has to work in the soul in secret and in darkness because if we fully knew 
what was happening and what mystery, transformation, God and grace will eventually ask of us, 
we would either try to take charge or stop the whole process.” 

- St. John of the Cross


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