Catholic Priest Leads Rosary and Performs Exorcism at Idaho State Capitol
On the morning of Monday, July 26th, the members of the Satanic Temple of Idaho gathered on the front steps of the Idaho State Capitol building to deliver what they called “ Idaho's first Satanic Prayer at the Idaho Statehouse.” Quick Facts: The Satanic Temple (TST) of Idaho became an official chapter in August 2020. Among their holiday observances, they celebrate their Chapter anniversary on August 17th. All public reservations at the Capitol Building are public knowledge and can be viewed up to 6 months in advance online. Somebody noticed the TST reservation scheduled for 10:30A.M. and the word began to spread. A Traditional Catholic group called " Tradition, Family, Property" organized a public rosary in response to the satanic prayer event, which they scheduled for 6:00pm of the same evening. Some Catholics felt that it was important to be at the Capitol building offering prayers of reparation at the same time that the TST was conducting their prayers. S...