Homily Notes, 06-27-21 - Errors of the Pharisees
06-27-21 5th Sunday After Pentecost The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican At a very young age the first thing we learn from the catechism, the first two questions are: Who made you? God made me. Why did God make you? To know him, to love him, and to serve him in this life, and to be happy with Him forever in the next. This is the most basic of all knowledge. We are made for God. We were made to return to God. All men belong to God; all men are for God. Therefore, all men must be religious. No matter how much the world drifts away from God, they cannot deny the basic truth that we were all made by and made for God. All men are religious. How do we practice our religion? There is a true religious spirit and a false religious spirit. False religion is hypocrisy, where religion is on our lips but not in our hearts. True religion, in contrast, is based on charity. In the Gospel, Our Lord makes a contrast between the false religious spirit and the true religious spirit of ...