Homily Notes, 12-25-20 - Spiritual Poverty
December 25th, 2020 "The Widow's Mite" by João Zeferino da Costa, 1876 Spiritual Poverty is not something that follows the world's view of poverty. The spirit of poverty means a detachment from created things of the world, and an attachment to the things of God. Spiritual poverty isn't only that we don't make creatures our end, but that we are willing to set aside created things if it is what God wants us to do. It is that we can give up natural, good things, if it is God's will for us to give them up. The widow's mite: She has given more than the others because she is giving something that she needs to support herself. She gives it to God. Jesus was born into this world with nothing in order to give us everything. Advent penance is meant to help us detach from our own will so that we can do God's will. Keep the virtues you gained through penance during Advent. What gift can we give Christ? He wants our heart and our soul; our whole being. Hold ...